Jual Flow Meter Fill-Rite 1 inch Series 800

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0813 81725986


Jual Flow Meter Fill-Rite 1 inch Series 800

Jual Flow Meter Fill-Rite 1 inch Series 800, flow meter untuk mengukur aliran solar baik memakai pompa maupun tanpa pompa (gravitasi). Fill rite flow meter produk yang sangat baik di kelasnya, dibanding dengan flow meter sejenisnya Fill Rite adalah flow meter buatan USA sehingga produk ini bergaransi 1 tahun. untuk harga flow meter fill-rite bisa dibilang sangat terjangkau.

Flow Meter Fill Rite sangat cocok dipakai untuk pengisian bahan bakar dari tangki penyimpanan BBM,

Spesifikasi Flow Meter Fill-Rite 800 Series :

Model : Series 800
Features : 3 Wheel Mechanical
Accuracy : ± 1%
Flow Rate : 5 to 20 GPM
Pressure rating ( PSI ) : 50 (3.4 bar )
Resetable cumulative totalizer : 99.9 Gallons / 999 Liter
Master totalizer : 999,999 Liter
Construction : Aluminium
Diameter Nominal : 25mm (1 Inch)

Fill-Rite’s line of 3-wheel mechanical flow meters are designed to meet the stringent demands of customers who need to monitor fuel usage accurately and dependability. Rugged construction, easy to read numbers, and the flexibility of horizontal or vertical positioning are just three features of these superior meters. Plus, all can be field calibrated for the utmost accuracy, regardless of fluid.

Keunggulan :

Large easy to to read number
Large 3 Digit display on 800 series meters and 4 digit siplay on 900 serie meters.
+/- 1% accuracy on all 800 series meters, and +/-2% accuracy on all 900 series
Quick reset knob
Vertical or horizontal positioning
Easy field calibration
Reliable, easy to use
Complete and ready to install

Untuk Informasi Harga dan Stok :

Hubungi : 0813 8172 5986 (ican)
Mail : sales@lobuteknik.com

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